Quick, guys, what comes to mind when you think of Snapchat? If you’re anything like I was just a few years ago, you’re probably picturing horny teenagers swapping nude selfies, confidently thinking they’ve satisfied the dual pressures of their raging hormones and the growing conventional wisdom that you should never let anyone see your naked pics online.
You’ll probably even give a nod to the slightly older groups, the college students and upward, who use the app for the same thing and are either under a likewise impression of safety or are just too cynical to care anymore.
Either way, it’s all about sealing the deal with women you already know in real life. The enticing Snapchat hookup, and even full-on Snapchat dating must first begin in a coffee shop, or a party, or some other place that involves people actually seeing each other in person.
RED ALERT: Get ready, because I’m about to reveal the truth about how to find the REAL hotties on Snapchat to date. Trust me, you’ll want to read this…
It’s certainly understandable why people would choose this app for showing some skin. Even when it started up all those years ago as “Picaboo”, the platform that would eventually become Snapchat was founded on a principle of destroying the evidence: The whole idea was that you could share a brief glimpse (a “peekaboo” – see what they did there with the original name?) of a hastily shot pic, which would disappear even from the recipient’s phone after a few minutes.
So, everyone can feel secure baring those breasts, dicks, and ass-orted other anatomical features; the images will all be gone forever soon enough. We’ll leave out the discussion of whether this promise was ever reliable (it really wasn’t), but it’s remained the central theme of Snapchat to this day even as the years have brought on new features and expanded capabilities.
Related: Snapchat Hookup Guide
How To Get a Date on Snapchat
People certainly love the thing, even when presented with alternatives. I was just reading about a study that compared people’s preferences for Snapchat as a flirting app with the main competing platform Instagram.
This study only compiled data from people no younger than 18 (probably for the best, even if we all know younger teens are using it to share material that could potentially get people into serious trouble). In the hormone-addled 18-24 age group, though, it was found that 57% choose Snapchat for their online flirting, versus only 43% who like Instagram.
That starts to even out after age 25, though; in the 25-34 bracket, Snapchat prevailed by a mere 4 percentage points in a 52%/48% struggle. After 35, Instagram pulls ahead, more and more as people get older, until it’s thrashing Snapchat by a whopping 63%/37% spread in the age 55+ category.
Snapchat has become the main social media app for sexually active young women, especially those who would qualify as 9s and 10s.
What these findings show us is something that, if I’m honest, I could have told you guys before I read it: Snapchat is the place to find young, hot women, whether you want a quick Snapchat hookup or committed Snapchat dating.
Yes, either one is possible, and no, you don’t have to know girls in real life first to pursue them on Snapchat. You can meet them online, charm them (and have plenty of fun with them!) over Snapchat online, and only then arrange to meet them in person. This is not only realistic, it’s happening right now. And if you aren’t in on it, you’re missing out.
The key to meeting Snapchat singles is the cam sites. These are wonderful little slices of paradise to begin with, and they would be even if you got nothing but naked eye candy out of the deal, but they’re good for so much more than that.
Why? Because, my bros, it turns out that Snapchat is a fantastic resource for cam girls, which is what makes it so useful for us. I’ll explain. You see, Snapchat worries deeply for the purity of our sweet, never-touched virgin eyes, and strictly forbids any sexual content on their platform.
Despite the fact that Snapchat forbids explicit content, cam girls and other adult models continue to use it as the platform of choice for dispensing their naughtiest stuff.
Post a picture of yourself getting it on, or even the naked selfies that the platform is so well-known for, and your account risks being permanently banned. It’s not that they want to be mean, you understand. They’re just looking out for our immortal souls.
Given the app’s reputation among young people, I think we can all take a nice stab at guessing how effective these puritanical content regulations have been. In fact, they’re almost universally ignored. How else could people use a few saucy shots of their nether parts to land a nice Snapchat hookup?
Webcam models are well aware of this, and they are capitalizing on it. Their strategy is to set up a basic, mundane social media presence on Snapchat (among other apps) that’s free, along with a pay-to-play “premium” Snapchat account. The regular account is just like anyone else’s, full of information about them and updates on their lives.
Related: What is Premium Snapchat?
You won’t catch more than a teasing cleavage shot here. The premium account, on the other hand, has all you could ever want to see: Nudes, porn, all the goodies. Of course, Snapchat couldn’t possibly allow such moral abominations to occur on their platform, so these premium accounts are regularly banned.
And these bans are regularly dodged via new accounts, with entire online services established to assist cam girls in automatically contacting their subscribers and telling them where to find the girl’s current hideout. Because grow the hell up, Snapchat.
The Art of The Snapchat Hookup
What impact does this have on Snapchat dating? Plenty, amigos. These cam girls are using the sites on which they cam to reach enormous audiences, full of guys who will check out their Snapchat accounts, with a percentage of them going on to subscribe for the premium experience.
It works in reverse too, naturally, so that those who find a girl’s Snapchat first may be tempted to check out her cam show, but we’re interested in a Snapchat hookup, here. The key is that when these girls go to the app, those who are unattached become eligible Snapchat singles, ready to be approached.
Premium Snapchat accounts are not expensive: Fork over as little as $10 per month (for a new girl still trying to make a name for herself), and you’re in. Not only does this get you an awesome eyeful, but more importantly, it gets you an opportunity. What’s that? Simply the fact that no good cam girl will ever – not ever – ignore a paying customer. You didn’t think this was all just a big digital peep show, did you?
No, my friends, if you message a girl whose premium Snapchat account you’re subscribing to, she will answer. Talk to her, and she will talk to you. Ask her about herself, and she’ll tell you. The best part is that the distance and “safety” of the internet seems to make these girls let down the guard that is so firmly in place for hands-on sex workers like strippers.
They aren’t just putting on a show when they engage with you. They’re perfectly willing to let you in and listen to you (something that takes a herculean effort to get girls to do under normal circumstances), and see where things go. This is the stuff that Snapchat dating is made of.
And if it doesn’t work out with one, no problem: It’s on to the next. You’ll never run out of cam girls with premium accounts on this social media giant, so for a paltry monthly subscription, you can try as many times as it takes. Eventually, you’ll click with one of them, and then it’s just a matter of arranging an in-person meeting. Something that, I hasten to add, happens all the time with cam girls and their customers.
Snapchat dating is the way of the future, my friends. Make it work for you!