Sex Doll Girlfriend Better Than The Real Thing?


Sex Doll Girlfriend 411
Looking back on human history, we’ve always had sex dolls. I mean, how could we not? Nothing on Earth is going to stop a teenage boy from getting it on with his pillow, and before pillows were invented, you just know those horny little caveteens were carving holes in whatever fruit had the softest, warmest pulp inside.

From there, it’s a small step to building vaguely human-shaped figures out of pillows or fruit, or whatever, and going to town on those. We’ve just been getting better and better at making these increasingly lifelike ever since, with the advent of currency certainly helping things along, because there is some serious money to be made in sex dolls. So much, in fact, that by today we are real good at making fake women.

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Incel Dating Problems Explained & Solved


Incel Dating Problems - Can the no-sex curse be lifted?
Not having a girl is tough, man. I know, I’ve been there. You’re lonely, the only thing you want is not to be lonely, and yet you try and you try and meet nothing but failure. Then you get to go out, alone, and see all the happy couples around you, some of them hitting the PDA so hard, it would be classified as abuse, if PDA were a person. At times it can feel like the game is rigged against you, personally: why else would everyone else get to have a partner, while you don’t?

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