Is Penis Size Important To Women?


Is penis size important to women? Get the facts.
Does penis size matter? To say that for men, at least, the answer is Yes, is an understatement of literally historic proportions. As far back as classical Greece, we have the story of Priapus, a god of fertility who was thematically defined by his shaft. In textual sources and artwork from the time, he is consistently depicted as sporting an enormous, bulbous phallus, so long and thick that it would stick right out from under his loincloth.

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Are There Any Penis Pills That Work?


Are there penis pills that work?
Is it just me, or do we have a freaking pill for everything? Have a headache? Pop a pill. Heartburn slowing you down? That’s a pill, son. Can’t seem to nod off? Take this and, hell, don’t call me in the morning, because those things are so effective you’ll probably still be asleep at that time.

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Does Jelqing Work?


Does Jelqing even work?
For many men, the size of the penis is a strong preoccupation, relating both to their own member and, for comparison’s sake, that of other men. If a man perceives his size to be inadequate, which is an alarmingly common male concern, the quest to level up his “Billy Below the Belt” could easily take on the character of an obsession.

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Small Dick Problems Explored


Small Dick Problem Examined - What to do if you have a small penis.
It’s hard to imagine an anatomical issue that men get more energized, passionate, and anxious over than the size of their own penis. It’s a bit odd, if you think about it. Despite the fact that neither effort nor skill could possibly be factors in this equation, tremendous pride is derived from having a generous endowment below the belt.

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