How Much To Give a Sugar Baby


How much do you give your sugar baby?
Brothers, I have a confession to make. This isn’t something that’s easy for me to say, as it profoundly and fundamentally undermines the image I’ve striven to create for myself in your eyes. There’s even a strong chance that after I tell you this, I will feel irreversibly compelled to castrate myself with a rusty spoon.

But I can live this lie no longer. For you see, my dear friends, I, Woody, your trusted mentor in the PUA arts…have dated sugar babies.

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Older Men Dating Younger Women


Older Men Dating Younger Women - The Facts
Have you noticed how damn regulated we, as humans, insist on making our courtship customs? Date on your socio-economic level. Marry someone, or at least get to know them really well, before having sex. Have only one sexual partner at any given time. I swear, it’d be enough to require a college course in Romanceology if we didn’t already have the lessons drilled into us throughout childhood.

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How Much Does a Sugar Baby Cost?


How much does a sugar baby cost?
I admit, there have been times when I’ve broken down and done the sugar daddy thing. I say this as someone who has invested a considerable amount of time, effort, and emotional energy into learning the kind of pro “game” that could convince women to stop seeing me as a desperate, sweaty nerd and start considering me as a fun sexual partner, and even a boyfriend.

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How To Get a Sugar Baby


Hot to get a sugar baby the right way.
There’s a lot to be said for cutting out the middle man and getting straight to the point, and when it comes to dating women, that means learning how to get a sugar baby. I talk a lot on this blog about the principles of “game” and what it takes to convince the fairer sex that you’re the kind of dude they should want to spend their time with, and I do think it’s important for just about all guys to be familiar with those strategies. But sometimes you just want to sit back and let your money do the talking.

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