Snapchat Singles Better Than Tinder Girls?


Snapchat Singles and Tinder Girls
When it comes to getting girls online, Tinder and Snapchat are far and away the tools of choice for the experienced PUA (Pick-Up Artist). There are different ways to use them, and Snapchat in particular requires the savvy utilization of another online resource (I’ll get to that in a bit) to reach the freakishly OP levels of which it’s capable, but ultimately, these are the flirting apps of our day.

I’ll be straight with you guys: In the 21st century, the game of intimacy is way easier when played on the internet, rather than in real life. So if you’re more interested in not sleeping alone than you are in maximizing your technique, Tinder and Snapchat are the way to go.

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Tinder Hookup Guide


Complete Tinder Hookup Guide for guys.
Tinder first launched in 2012, and the concept behind it was simple: You’re more comfortable approaching someone when you already know that that person likes you too. While true, I personally think the relative anonymity of the internet helps a lot with that as well.

Anyway, whatever the cause, Tinder is huge today, with people reacting favorably to its ease of use, its iconic “swiping” system (right to like, left to dislike), and its use of networking with other popular social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Of course, what everyone loves even more than all of the app’s nifty features is the fact that it can get you laid with very little effort or bother. Hooking up on Tinder is the way of the 21st century.

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How To Get Laid on Tinder


Getting Laid on Tinder Guide
I really love modern technology. It used to be that if you were horny and wanted to get a girl, you had to engage in various forms of socialization. You know, in public and stuff. It can be awkward.

And while I’ve certainly got nothing against the fresh air and healthy levels of vitamin D available only outside our front doors, I am gratified to live in a time when finding sex is but a few phone taps away for those in the know. We have the vanguard of the 21st-century sexual revolution, also known as Tinder, to thank for this.

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